Politics & Society

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences. Award-winning professor of neuroscience Matthew Walker provides a fascinating insight in to why it is vital we start taking sleep seriously. Watch Matthew Walker, director of the Centre for Human Sleep Science,
Adam Phillips, one of Britain’s most renowned psychoanalysts and literary figures, joins RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor for a conversation about life, the universe, and everything (and maybe a little Freud as well). Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thersaorg Like the RSA on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thersaorg Our events are made possible with the support of our
In May this year, James Williams, a former Google employee and doctoral candidate researching design ethics at Oxford University, won the inaugural US$100,000 Nine Dots Prize. James argues that digital technologies privilege our impulses over our intentions, and are gradually diminishing our ability to engage with the issues we most care about. Watch James Williams,
In the latest event in our series on spirituality in the 21st century, psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist considers the status of the soul. Once considered the most important part, indeed the whole purpose, of a human life – has science has now rendered the idea of the soul irretrievably redundant? If so, what have
The 21st century presents us with huge challenges. How can we empower people to be active participants in creating a world we want to live in? In this extract from his annual RSA Chief Executive’s Lecture, Matthew Taylor offers a vision for the future – a world where every individual has the freedom and opportunity
Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google [X], having applied his superior skills of logic and problem solving to the issue of happiness, he proposed an algorithm based on an understanding of how the brain takes in and processes joy and sadness. He essentially ‘solved’ for happy. Watch Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google
Watch this backstage interview with Vanessa Van Edwards, behavioural investigator and author of ‘Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People’. These bite-sized interviews offer backstage access insights – with brand new, updated questions, hear about what makes Vanessa happy, who inspires her, and what she’s most curious about! SUBSCRIBE NOW to get these bite-sized interviews
Renowned behavioural scientist and No 10 ‘nudge’ guru David Halpern discusses how minor tweaks can have a huge effect in the world of decision-making. Watch the full replay: https://youtu.be/4XSKEM9FiZU RSA Spotlights – taking you straight to the heart of the event, highlighting our favourite moments and key talking points. In this excerpt from the event